Akashic Records Reading
A channeled Akashic Records Reading offering you personal guidance and insights that most support your HEALING, GROWTH, and EVOLUTION now.
In your reading we cover the major themes of:
Fears, Blocks & Self-Sabotage
Remedies & Guidance to Clear, Shift, Release & Heal
Highest Soul Guidance
Gifts & Concealed Capabilities
Attracting More Prosperity
What Are the Akashic Records?
You can think of the Akashic Records as a metaphysical library containing a complete vibrational history of every thought, experience, emotion and interaction (no matter how delicate / subtle) of every soul that has ever existed.
Imagine an energetic encyclopedia of everything your soul has and will ever experience. It is a complete record of your Soul's history on any dimension.
In this reading it is channeled under the Gatekeeper "The Pinnacle" - the highest consciousness of Pleiadean energy - they decide what comes through and via "who".
Who may include your Highest Self (i.e. the most pure energetic version of self), god/goddess archetypes, deities, animals, angels, passed loved ones / ancestors, you in a past life, galactic / star beings etc.
Sally, Perth
“Thank you thank you thank you for this!! You are such a special person and glad our paths have crossed.
I've been taking my time reading through it and there's so much that is spot on! … It's been so interesting reading through it and it's given me lots to think about… and has ignited some sort of spark within me again!”
Akashic Records Reading | How Does it Work?
Firstly, I must obtain permission to open your records (this is confirmed in writing upon a booking).
Everyone channels a bit differently, and for me it is through automatic writing. As such, you are not physically present during the live reading. It is typed out and sent to you, so you can return to it as needed. When opened, sometimes it will be a flood of information, and sometimes it will be more slow or concise.
The language of the reading often has a more formal or otherworldly quality, which may be succinct and/or poetic, and is rich in meaning. Some aspects may require some personal reflection, interpretation and decoding as it isn't always straightforward or conversational the way it comes through. Trust that the reading unlocks the relevant knowing and awareness in you.
My Akashic Records Reading is focused on receiving relevant and practical insights for your present life and circumstances. As such, a list of questions (listed below) are used as a general guide and template for the reading. However, not all of these may be applicable to your life right now.
If there is a specific question you'd like to ask, I can also include this, but be mindful that sometimes our Higher Self or guides will block certain information if it is not thought to benefit / serve us at this time.
I don't share my own interpretation of the reading to keep it purely for your own personal and private insight and reflection, but I invite you to share any feedback or comments. I believe it is generally best for us to develop our own conclusions and understandings from the messages shared, but if you have some questions on anything stated I will do my best to address and clarify it.
Kate, Sydney
“Wow, just wow! This is so on point I cannot tell you, it's really the crux of things.
I am so so honoured to have received this wisdom…
I don't know why I spent all that money on therapists, what I was searching for is here!”
Eddy, Perth
“That reading is spot on! …it’s definitely how I feel.”
“Thank you Niki :)
It was a spot-on and profound one…”
- Mitra
Questions Addressed in the Akashic Records Channeled Session:
What behaviors and beliefs do I have that are self-limiting or blocking me from flourishing?
What qualities, attitudes or characteristics hold me back from experiencing more love, prosperity, and joy in my life?
What can I do to clear, release, shift, or heal these?
If I feel stuck in a particular place or pattern, why is it and what will help me break out?
What do I have to do or let go of to make a significant difference in my life?
What am I most afraid of? What is my biggest fear?
How can I overcome my fear?
What actions, pursuits, practices, and projects are most aligned for my soul's growth and expression right now?
What do I need to do to attract more prosperity, energetically and physically?
Are there any latent, concealed capabilities within me that need to be unleashed?
What is the highest guidance and insight for my soul at this point in time?
What is the kind of life my soul wants to live?
What are the risks that are worth taking to create the life I desire?
Book an Akashic Records Reading
To book your Akashic Records Reading simply submit the form below, stating "I give permission for you to open my Akashic Records", and transfer payment with your full name / preferred name as the reference (also to be the name addressed in the reading).
A reading is $198 AUD including GST.
You can deposit $198.00 in the following account to book your reading.
Niki Michalek
BSB: 036-077
Account number: 553118
Your Akashic Records Reading will be delivered to your nominated email within 10 days of your booking.
**Note - Written Akashic Records readings are currently closed. You can book a 1:1 energy healing session with me and we can open your records as part of the session.