Shedding Skins
~ A Tantric Awakening, Transformation & Embodiment Workshop Series ~
“It was so phenomenal!! looking forward to the rest of the series ✨ ✨ ✨ ”
- Anna
On the path of Tantra, you have to be open to letting go of an identity you've curated and be completely open to the unstaged, authentic, and natural version of yourself peaking (or blasting) through...
...a "you" that’s less (superficially) protected, hidden, and armored, and a lil' more raw, unfiltered, and exposed (but invariably more badass and WONDER-full).
“We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.”
- Joseph Campbell
Tantric Practices, Techniques, & Tools that Advance Healing & Transformation
Shedding Skins is an immersive series of 4 full-day workshops (next series starts Feb - May 2025) guiding us through the first 4 chakras - the root, sacral, solar plexus, and heart - to facilitate personal self-discovery, healing, and transformation.
Each workshop day will be focused on one chakra and explore a range of tantric and yogic methods including kundalini practices, conscious touch, ritual, meditation, mantra, and emotional fluidity.
You’ll learn and experience established practices from leading international tantric practitioners, trainings, and retreats.
“Authentic. Real.
Niki is generous in sharing her knowledge and her essence.
Embodying all that she teaches.
I've just completed the first workshop in her Shedding Skins series and keen to continue learning in this space. 🌸”
~ Mat
“Omg I’m sooooooo excited where this one will take me. I’ve had massive clarity from the root chakra workshop :) the joy I’ve experienced since has been profound. ”
~ Corey
“What an experience...
What a Powerhouse…
Really looking forward to the rest of the journey..
Let’s go baby!
You’ve awakened this sh$t now!
There’s. No. Stopping. Me!
~ Beth
Perth Tantra Workshops | Feb-May 2025
Location: Mind Body Heart, West Perth
Workshop Dates: 9 Feb, 9 Mar, 6 April, 4 May
Join all 4 Perth Tantric Embodiment Workshops over Feb-May for a special price (more info below) or pick and choose the chakra/s you seek to focus on.
Shedding Skins 2025 - Drop-in Workshops
Root | Feb 9
Sexuality, Stability, Security & Sensuality
Cultivating creative energy, orgasmic living, & sexual maturity
Sun, 9 Feb
Sacral | Mar 9
Embracing all Life Cycles & Emotional Fluidity
Facing the portals of fear and death to access true aliveness
Sun, 9 March
Solar Plexus | April 6
Harmonising Power & Vulnerability
Becoming vast enough to contain contradictions and paradox
Sun, 6 April
Heart | May 4
Unconditional Love, Compassion, Unity& Christ Consciousness
Becoming ‘divinely human’ and bridging heaven & earth
Sun, 4 May
“That was by far the most amazing workshop ever!
The energy level and space you hold for all of us on this journey is that of a goddess. The bond and conversation with fellow participants is growing so strong. I love the safe environment we have in your guidance.”
~ Corey
“Such a great day! Thank you”
~ Megan
“What an experience...
I’m doing the whole series of Niki’s embodiment series. First one yesterday “the root” chakra. It was such a fun day and very spicy 🌶️ at points 😀 I always feel very comfortable with Niki and anyone else in the room at the time. She makes it light hearted and comfortable for everyone to express themselves as they are.
From me, if you have thought about doing one of Niki’s classes I’d say 💯 go for it!!! I feel she’s also inspired me to become the best I can be.”
~ Kelly
“Today was the second day in the Shedding Skins workshop series and it blow me away!
The teaching; facts of history in tantric terms.
The intensity; kundalini once again was out of this world for me.
The energy; by the participants in the room created and lived, wow.
And yes, soooo much more…
I personally could have sit there for hours and hours after the session was over and just embrace Niki’s knowledge, energy, soul & being!!!
It was not easy all that day, but so worth it, a lot of challenges came up in me and yes, they needed to come up.
Whoever is on their path to find themselves, these workshops will help you! Don’t be afraid of doing it, be more afraid of not doing the work. ”
~ Steffen
Tantric Workshops*
Every workshop is standalone and unique but builds on each other.
It is recommended to journey through all 4 workshops (chakras) to maximise your tantric understanding and embodiment and explore these vast and different dimensions of yourself.
*Workshop schedule is subject to slight modifications.
Overview of Root (Muladhara) chakra qualities and themes
Practice for alchemising anger and sacred rage
Kundalini Activation & Bodywork experience (root focus)
Yogic techniques, mantra, and mudra focused on opening, activating, and balancing the root chakra
Cultivating sexual and orgasmic energy through Full Body Energy Activation practice
Kundalini Meditation practice to unlock body tensions and energetic stagnancy and restore inner bliss
Overview of Sacral (Swadisthana) chakra qualities and themes
Enlightening sacral-themed meditation experience
Kundalini Activation & Bodywork experience (sacral focus)
Projection exercise with partner transforming judgment and blame into self-responsibility and revelation
Embodiment exercise exploring emotional fluidity and representation of emotions in the organs
Yogic techniques, mantra, and mudra focused on opening, activating, and balancing the sacral chakra
Overview of Solar Plexus (Manipura) chakra qualities and themes
Yogic asana and breath technique focused on opening and activating the solar plexus
Kundalini Activation & Bodywork experience (solar plexus focus)
Partnered Exercise for healing mother / father wounds (breaking us free from the regressed wounded child state and unhealthy relational patterns that repeat in romantic relationships)
Entrancing Yin-Yang Kundalini Meditation explores the harmony of opposites
Overview of Heart (Anahata) chakra qualities and themes
Partnered forgiveness practice to support letting go and healing old resentments and current relational conflict
Profound heart meditation for individual and collective healing
Kundalini Activation & Bodywork experience (heart focus)
Enlivening partnered Sensorial Meditation to awaken the senses through the foundation of the heart - A Vigyan Bhairav Tantra technique you can use in your romantic relationship and even dating
Click Chakra for Video Preview
“I wanted to say a massive thank you for everything you’ve shared and demonstrated over the last few months for these workshops.
Such a heart opening experience making an offering like this tangible and I can really see how much effort and love you poured into making these days what they were.
If anyone is feeling the pull to work with you, I couldn’t recommend it enough! Niki’s knowledge and embodiment of tantra is something to be in the room to witness and be inspired by.
I’ve never had a kundalini activation before but after the first workshop I felt this energy move through me and truly help me shed a skin - these spaces held the medicine I was seeking!”
~ Tashi
“🔥Beautiful healing journey Loved it ❤️🙏🔥🌟 It all just flowed & I’m feeling amazing!”
~ Kirsty
SPECIAL Shedding Skins Full Pass -
~ Enrol yourself in a 4-month transformation journey ~
Total Pass: $1001.00*
*($1,065 in BONUSES. Limited Full Pass Spots are available - For a Drop-in Pass to a single workshop book here)
To join the Full Pass with BONUSES start the fortnightly payment plan or pay in full.
You’ll get access to The Clearing Passage and a BONUS 1:1 1hr online coaching session with me ($212 value).
NOTE: This could be the last time I run this series in 2025.
4 Full-day Workshops in Perth (Full price $259.00 each) - Sun Feb 9th (Root), Sun March 9th (Sacral), Sun April 6th (Solar plexus), Sun May 4th (Heart)
Access to Shedding Skins Online - A collection of practices we cover in the workshops for ongoing application and integration ($555 value)
BONUS 1:1 Mindset Coaching Session (1hr) with me - Online via Zoom ($212 value)
Access to The Clearing Passage online program guiding you through a full material, digital, relational, mental, and emotional life edit ($198.00 value)
$100 voucher towards learning Vedic Meditation with me
“Instead of walking a path to reach a specific final destination, we are walking it to learn how to walk it.”
~ Tantra Illuminated
Drop-in Workshop Bookings
Root | Feb 9
Sexuality, Stability, Security & Sensuality
Cultivating creative energy, orgasmic living, & sexual maturity
Sun, 9 Feb
Sacral | Mar 9
Embracing all Life Cycles & Emotional Fluidity
Facing the portals of fear and death to access true aliveness
Sun, 9 March
Solar Plexus | April 6
Harmonising Power & Vulnerability
Becoming vast enough to contain contradictions and paradox
Sun, 6 April
Heart | May 4
Unconditional Love, Compassion, Unity& Christ Consciousness
Becoming ‘divinely human’ and bridging heaven & earth
Sun, 4 May
What is Tantra?
In essence, Tantra is an all-encompassing spiritual path of “Know Thyself”.
Originating in India, it’s a diverse tradition that spans several centuries of development and predates India's earliest sacred writings, the Vedas, recorded over 1500-500 BC.
At the highest level, Tantra is about transforming consciousness for liberation and returning us to our natural state of love and bliss, also known as our original divine blueprint.
It teaches us how to reveal the Divine in the entirety of the human experience.

“Tantra trusts in your body. Tantra trusts in your senses. Tantra trusts in your energy. Tantra trusts in you... Tantra does not deny anything but transforms everything.”
~ Osho
Tantra is the medicine that turns poison into nectar.
In this tantric journey, we will explore and peel back the many layers, sides, and dimensions of ourselves, including the shadow.
Repressing any part of ourselves leads to all sorts of problems, dysfunction, imbalance…. and eventually eruptions...
And to find Truth, we must surpass ignorance, meaning we can’t ignore or skip over the icky feeling bits.
We can’t bypass the shadow.
In contrast, we must shine a light on it, or it remains hidden in the subconscious driving our unhealthy and self-sabotaging impulses, habits, and behaviours.
To work with our shadow, we need to become more self-aware and begin to delve into the places we routinely ignore, bury, avoid, or reject.
To do this we must study and witness ourselves.
And Tantra offers us experiential methods to achieve this safely and effectively.

The Misinterpretation of Tantra
While Tantra is often misrepresented and misunderstood in the West as focusing on sexuality, authentic Tantra will always be based first and foremost on meditation, along with mantra, yantra, ritual, mudras, and other yogic techniques and technologies.
It’s a path for the householder that supports the harmonious balance of worldly success and spiritual liberation, the transcendent (pure awareness, being, bliss consciousness, presence) AND the creative force (expression, embodiment, sensuality, art).
“A Tantrika renounces nothing and seeks tirelessly to realise the Divine on all layers of being.” - Tantra Illuminated
It is the ecstatic dance between and union of shiva and shakti, masculine and feminine, yin and yang.
It is a return to and recognition of wholeness.
Perth Tantra Workshops | Feb-May 2025
Dedicate the start of 2025 to your Personal Discovery, Awakening & Transformation
Location: Mind Body Heart, West Perth
Workshop Dates: 9 Feb, 9 Mar, 6 Apr, 4 May
We’ve arrived at the furnace where real transmutation can take place.
If we’re courageous enough to step into the fire and expose ourselves.
What must burn in the furnace for inner peace and freedom to emerge?
Our lies. Our hang-ups. Our illusions. Our delusions. Our shame. Our blame. Our guilt. Our judgment. Our unworthiness.
What is Kundalini?
“Kundalini is a Sanskrit term for this energy of creation, the lifeforce that causes consciousness to function in a body. After kundalini activates and enlivens a human body, the stabalised and consistent flow of internal energy that remains is known as prana in the scriptures of India…
Prana, chi or ki are the energies flowing within us that transfer thoughts, feeling, intelligence, sensation, connection and movement. Kundalini is their source…
When Kundalini becomes awakened within us, it feels like the life force has amplified itself and has and has suddenly become even more alive…
Kundalini energy has been represented primarily by two symbols in ancient teachings, the most common being the serpent, because the energy is believed to be coiled at the base of the spine, until it shoots up like a cobra or twists inside a body as it awakens.
This energy movement also triggers the shedding of the old identifications, just as the snake sheds its skin.
As the Kundalini works through the system, it flushes out these hidden blockages, and presses on until they are cleared.”
~ Kundalini Rising, Bonnie Greenwell, PHD
Community Shares:
“Incredible and powerful... I walked in not knowing what to expect but felt safe and supported throughout the whole process. I was actually blown away by the experience and the movements my body naturally went through… An experience you must participate in to understand.”
— Kristy
“What an incredible experience I had as a first timer... One word… “AMAZING”
I didn’t expect my emotions to come in so quickly nor the movements.
But it’s incredible what the mind, body, soul and energy can do when working together, when surrendering.”
— Anon (Perth)
“It was a profound & powerful time, and was really grateful to be able to feel on a stronger/deeper level the energy & shifts - it is magical!
It’s been possible to feel more open & inspired for what's ahead, and cocreating with that.”
— Emani
“I have done a number of [Kundalini Activation] sessions with Niki online and in person and attended some of her events and they have all been amazing! … I always leave feeling renewed and on a high.”
— Sarah
“It has really assisted me in my shamanic work. The energy that Niki works with and holds space for has been powerful, expansive and full of light. I highly recommend Niki as a facilitator and her sessions.”
— Jules
“I attended one of Niki's events without having the slightest idea what to expect… Niki's energy is gentle and inclusive, I really enjoyed the experience and recommend it highly to anyone who is curious. Don't overthink it, just book!”
— Cha

~ Shakti Speaks ~
Do not try to tame me dear child.
For I do not wish that burden upon you.
You will see it is a fool's errand.
And it is I who wishes to unburden you.
Befriend me my dear.
And we will make beautiful discoveries together.
My medicine abounds.
When you offer your consent.
Let my rain wash away your agony.
Let my wind blown in new dreams.
Let me fire burn down your fears.
Let my dirt deliver you sustenance.
Together we will make magic.
And I wish to see your beauty reflected back in me.
I pray for your becoming.
I perish for your healing.
I whisper to your cells "come home".
Come home.
For I wish for you to stay.
So that you might move closer.
To seeing your majesty.
To knowing who you are.
Niki, @lightbody.being
Your Facilitator
Niki Michalek is an accredited Kundalini Activation and Kundalini Bodywork facilitator since 2019.
Niki is also a Vedic Meditation teacher, Tantric & Embodiment Workshop Facilitator, yoga teacher, and creator of the Mystic Being App where she offers programs on all things self mastery, spiritual sovereignty, and tantric living.