Self-Mastery . Inner Peace . Timeless Wisdom
Learn Vedic Meditation
Natural . Effortless . Immersive .
Vedic Meditation Perth
Vedic Meditation is a simple and highly effective style of meditation practice stemming from an ancient 5,000-year-old tradition originating in India. The technique utilises specific mantras to charm the mind and support a more effortless, transcendent, and immersive experience.
If your mind is too busy, it can't be the vessel for clear instruction…
Shares from Vedic Meditation Perth Students
I invested in this course as a birthday present to myself. Niki told me it would be a ‘gift that would keep on giving’. She was spot on…
‘I learned so much more than meditation during these sessions... Since the Vedic Meditation course I have noticed many changes in myself. I find joy in areas that I never found before.
I have more times of calm. I look forward to things that I wouldn’t have done before. I feel happier. Other people have also noticed positive changes in my behaviour.”
— Sally
"The Mental and health benefits are enormous…
I never done any form of meditation before, but I fell in love with this one, it take such a short time to practice and the mental and health benefits are enormous.
Niki got such a vast amount of knowledge, on the topic, there were never a dull moment throughout this course.”
— Hannes
"If you don't meet yourself on a consistent basis in meditation, you're living with a stranger."
— Guru Singh
So, Why Meditate?
There are countless benefits to meditation, but some big movers and shakers include the following…
💎 The "peace" that surpasses understanding
💎 Improved focus and concentration
💎 Release of daily stresses and fatigue from the mind-body
💎 Steady inner purification
💎 Greater access to superconsciousness
💎 Heightened intuition and opening of psychic gifts / awareness
💎 Cultivating a natural inner contentment
💎 Improvement in general well-being markers
💎 Improved focus and concentration
💎 Revealing and polishing the gem within
Like microdosing on your natural inner bliss…
Your practice soon becomes a treasured time to unplug, “rinse” the mind, and connect to inner stillness daily.
Consider it your daily charging / reboot station to dissolve the accumulated mental debris of the day, recharge your energy stores, and restore internal equilibrium.
Like daily microdosing without the substance… accessing a natural innate high.
Can Vedic Meditation Really Help Me?
There are many reasons people seek out meditation. Read any high-performance literature, study any spiritual tradition, or dig into the vast library of therapeutic research concerning mental and emotional wellbeing and you will find this word mentioned again and again: MEDITATION.
It may seem like something mysterious, esoteric, and exclusionary to the common person. But the truth is meditation can help and assist EVERYbody to access their natural state of inner contentment and bliss, and support a progressive path to inner peace, expanded awareness, and personal transformation.
And, if you’ve ever heard yourself uttering or thinking any of the following statements, this particular style of meditation - i.e. Vedic Meditation - is especially effective and applicable for you!
“I can’t switch off”
“My mind is too busy to meditate”
“My life is too busy / chaotic / out of control”
“I find meditation too boring”
“I’m just holding everything together”
“I find it hard to focus”
“I feel stressed / anxious / overwhelmed / exhausted”
“I’m so reactive and emotionally sensitive”
“I’m soooooooo tired”
“Things are okay, good even, but I never feel fully content…”
“I’m doing well overall, but I know I could enjoy my life even more”

We don't sit in meditation to become good meditators. We sit in meditation so that we'll be more awake in our lives.
— Pema Chodren
If you're never still, there are things you'll never hear...
If you're never still, there are things you'll never hear... ~
What is Vedic Meditation?
A return to ‘natural’, pure & true
Based on the wisdom of the Veda, a 5,000 year old body of knowledge (from which yoga and Ayurveda also stem), Vedic Meditation is designed to align us with the rhythms of Nature, and edge us closer towards the cultivation of ‘cosmic consciousness’.
For most, it is a proven path to progressive inner peace, supreme contentment, and authentic Being.
It might sound ‘out there’ and too ambitious for you… but it is simply an organic evolution and outcome of a committed practice. You don’t need to force it, it arrives and deepens within you as a natural consequence of the practice.
How do I learn Vedic Meditation?
In the Vedic Meditation tradition, you are initiated by a qualified Vedic Meditation teacher who has undergone training for the purpose of initiating others skillfully into the practice.
To learn Vedic Meditation you attend 4 sessions of about 90 minutes over 1-4 days where you receive a personal mantra for your meditation practice, are guided through the technique, and learn the underlying principles and recommended guidelines of the practice.
After a consistent practice of about 1-2 years you may wish to receive the “advanced mantra” to deepen your experience even further.

a mystical formula of invocation or incantation
a sacred utterance, a numinous sound, a syllable, word or phonemes, or group of words in Sanskrit
any sound, word or phrase that alters consciousness through meaning, tone, rhythm, or physical vibration
[Sources: Merriam-Webster, Wikipedia, Yogapedia]
Veda is a Sanskrit word from the root, vid, meaning “to know." Thus, veda means "knowledge" or "wisdom."
“The Vedas are the most ancient Hindu and yogic texts. Written in Sanskrit, they are considered to have no author. Rather, it is believed that the texts were revealed to the ancient sages who passed them on orally for many years until they were written down on palm leaves around 500 BCE.”
[Source: Yogapedia]
"I’m getting so much inspiration and improvement on my journey with your help so thank you.
I loved the Vedic meditation on Sunday. I always found it hard to relax and never seemed to be able to relax enough into meditation. I found and am finding the Vedic meditation way is working wonders already for me. Niki is such a brilliant teacher and has a very calming and inviting nature. Everything was explained and thought in a way that really kept me intrigued and interested... Lots of fun and highly recommend."
Liberation happens when you become aware of your awareness.
Liberation happens when you become aware of your awareness. ~
Who is Vedic Meditation for?
Whether you’re a creative, artist, athlete, business savant, entrepreneur, spiritual seeker, or simply someone wishing to tap into their greatest potential and find peace, this technique can support you.
Everyday ‘busy’ people with full lifestyles
Vedic Meditation is ideal for those who ascribe to the notion of “minimal effort, maximum result”.
Most people living a modern lifestyle are not looking to become renunciates or completely overhaul their lifestyle in order to introduce more ease, peace, and simplicity in their life.
You can consider the Vedic Meditation technique as an accelerated way to gain the results that most seek from a meditation practice (inner peace, emotional regulation, deep rest, bliss, transcendence, stress relief).
It’s like taking the private jet from Sydney to Byron, instead of bicycling your way there in the pouring rain.
Spiritual & Freedom Seekers
You are attracted to all things mystical and are on the spiritual or ascension path. You love to explore the psyche, the quantum realm, multidimensionality, and cosmic consciousness.
You seek to recognise the Divine in you and everyday life, align yourself to Supreme Knowledge, and develop your understanding of God Consciousness.
You seek out tools that routinely connect you to your True Nature, supporting you to live an authentic, expansive, sovereign, and liberated life.
‘High-Performers’, ‘ A-Players’ & Creatives
You’re someone who likes to be on top of their game, and perform at the highest level.
You enjoy optimising the human experience and applying tools and techniques that elevate and enhance your abilities.
You exert yourself a lot and aim to pack the most into life, but sometimes this means you have trouble winding down or restoring everyday.
You’ve heard Vedic Meditation mentioned by high-performing and creative people you admire and you want to experience the effects (like high resilience, reduced stress, sharp mental focus and acuity, enhanced creativity, inner alignment, steady calmness, regulated nervous system, and broadened perception and awareness) for yourself.
Seeking relief from suffering
You’ve experienced Big trauma, PTSD, or face high-stress and challenging situations on a regular basis in your field of work.
You experience conditions like anxiety, stress, panic attacks, worry somewhat regularly and seek a practice that assists you to find inner stillness and peace.
Meditation has been linked to countless benefits including lowering stress, reducing inflammation, improving relationships, enhancing cognitive function, reducing anxiety, stabalising emotions, and much more.
“A most enlightening workshop that answered my question on exactly what is Vedic Meditation, and how to embark on this practice.”
— Greg
Community Shares…
“I really enjoyed attending the Vedic Meditation workshop. I learned an excellent technique to connect with myself and also to understand that what I feel and see in a meditation is natural.”
— Paula
“So interesting to learn about the 7 stages of consciousness and to reaffirm my beliefs about the consciousness shift that’s happening in our society right now. ”
— Lauren
What Makes Vedic Meditation Unique?
It’s not a spiritual practice and does not require any particular faith or lifestyle
You don’t need to be spiritually inclined to practice Vedic Meditation. In fact, Vedic Mediation is perfectly suitable for those agnostic or atheist, as it does not require any contemplation or inquiry into any religious doctrine or tradition.
You can simply enjoy the health benefits of the practice if that is your preference. (But, if you are spiritually inclined, it will absolutely deepen your connection to the Divine).
Does not require concentration, contemplation, control, effort, or self-hypnosis
Many resist the idea of meditation due to the mental effort and persistence that is required in many meditation practices.
While I celebrate all meditation practices, many individuals are not inclined to practice for hours per day or commit themselves to learning more involved and complex techniques such as those requiring focused visualisation, self-hypnosis, concentration, contemplation etc.
In Vedic Meditation, you simply repeat the mantra and the practice naturally takes you where you need to go over time.
Scientifically proven to reduce stress and support wellbeing
Vedic Meditation works by de-exciting the nervous system and brain.
From this place fatigue is lifted and liberated from the body, taking you to a state of deep rest and restoration.
It’s a natural method and “shortcut” to reach a state of “Being” and cultivate a life of supreme contentedness.
Upcoming Events & Offerings .
Upcoming Events & Offerings .
Vedic Meditation Courses Perth

Group Vedic Meditation Course
Upcoming Workshops:
MUNDARING: Sun, 23 Feb & 2 Mar, 10:30am-1pm
WEST PERTH: Sun, 18 May & 1 Jun, 10:30am-1pm
Private Vedic Meditation Initiation
Contact me for information on learning Vedic Meditation in a 1:1 format.
Training can be completed live (based in Perth, Australia) and online.
Business & Corporate Wellness
Support your people to learn a lifelong meditation practice to improve wellbeing, presence, focus, creativity, and mindset.
Create a culture of high performance, healthy relating, and personal satisfaction.

“Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.”
— Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
Learn a life-long practice with compounding benefits for your health and evolution…
Regular - $515 or 5 x fortnightly payments of $105
Payment plans available - reach out to discuss options.
What You Get
Receive your personal mantra the core teachings of Vedic Meditation
A meditation technique you can use and thrive with for the rest of your life!
Free ongoing attendance to online check-in / practice sessions
This style of meditation practice requires you to invest less than 3% of the time available each day to receive all the benefits that have been outlined.
What you generally find from the practice is “you gain more time” because you notably increase your energy, sharpen your focus, reduce stress, and achieve deep rest.
With this combination of effects, tasks and demands of the day take less time and can be completed with more ease and flow.
Ask yourself if you are “too busy” to stay on a treadmill of stress, fatigue, anxiety? :)
The cost of Vedic Meditation varies among teachers, however the common range is $880-$1100 per person. Often a concession rate is offered to students and children.
Some may consider this to be a significant expense to learn meditation. For those who have been initiated and ungone the extensive training commitment and investment required to pass on this technique to others, it is understood as a small investment for a lifetime of compounding enriched and elevated life experience.
The investment not only covers the time and costs involved in passing on the practice, but also ongoing support, as most teachers offer free community meditations & wisdom sessions. Previous students are also often welcomed back to repeat the course free of charge after a year or so down the line.
The value exchange also acknowledges the extensive time, financial resources, and study the teacher has invested in their own practice, personal transformation, and formal training to enable their lifetime commitment to service.
I have chosen to reduced the base rate to create more accessibility and encourage meditation.
Niki Michalek is a qualified Vedic Meditation Perth teacher who studied under Sydney-based Vedic Meditation teacher Tom Cronin (student of Thom Knoles).
“I’ve been meditating for about 7 years and began my Vedic Meditation journey early in my career as a way to boost my performance at work. Today I meditate for a multitude of reasons including brain hygiene, nervous system regulation, mental focus and acuity, spiritual connection, liberating stress from the body, developing psychic abilities, deep rest, and beyond!
Vedic Meditation is the best way I know to “switch off” every day and feel deeply connected to life. I’ve meditated during many different phases of my life (as a university student; working in startups, agency, events, and corporate; working remotely and transitioning to “solopreneur” life; and as a fulltime spiritual entrepreneur.
I know the challenges and benefits of the practice across different lifestyles and I’m passionate about bringing this practice to individuals of all backgrounds and lifestyles as I know wherever you are in life, it is a gamechanger!”
Your Vedic Meditation Teacher
My Meditation Story…