2023 Forecast | Akashic Reading
These 2023 themes were channeled from the Akashic Records as a collective reading for the audience of Lightbody Being. Take what resonates and lands for you.
Unrest will follow us into the passage of 2023, though many have already done much deep work to travel through it steadily and wisely. Work on your wisdom, so that you are not swayed back into this collective force of chaos, and remind yourself daily, you are the arbitrator of your peace. You are the arbitrator of your attention. And you can decide in any moment where to direct it for your betterment. Your betterment is a direction that aligns you to your heart and not projected goals. You will know inside what this means for you.
A spiritual inner integrity is being birthed that will be your highest priority and guiding light in these times. Those who have already begun cultivating such a constellation within, will find the unrest fuel for their inspired contribution to a rebuilding of a Golden Age cycle. The destruction is not feared, but welcomed and integrated as lessons for what we can no longer overlook, allow, perpetuate in our story of humanity.
The unrest will be physically felt in your body and in moments may manifest itself as literally "un-rest" - the inability to rest. You will be guided to replace old tendencies and coping mechanisms through this unrest with stationed silence, prayer, and creative acts.
It is "time" to no longer be dictated by time. To allow events to unfold in natural cycles instead of forcing them upon yourself when the ego sees fit. There will be a letting go of time structures and milestones that don't serve the self or the collective. To breathe new life into honoured rituals that abide by the rhythms of nature will be more fruitful to you.
An honoring of your energy and less prescription to the pressures of societal standards of achievement as associated with common age brackets. This is YOUR TIME to rediscover yourself anew, unbounded from the structures of seemingly imposed time constructs and expectations.
What if you could let go completely of the "by now", "by when", "at this age" and simply allow life to dance through you the way it wishes and the way that brings joy to your being?
Be honest with yourself about what you need in your life for happiness and fulfillment in this moment. In a moment-by-moment lens of presence, there is no need for anything other than this moment. Can you surrender completely to the joy, the opportunity, the wisdom of this very moment in front of you, and consider less of time as a linear path and more of an ever-present now.
What relief to let go of the ego expectations you place on yourself as you attach to your age for attempts at prestige and a semblance of control over your destiny. It is not wrong to desire things in timely chapters, but do not attach to how these materialise.
Be present to you life in its unfolding moment-by-moment. Be present to the daily simple joys and occurrences that usher you forward to the next aligned moment. See to it, that you time spent is not a series of doing, but allows for your being, which is not time "spent" but time experienced.
Christ Consciousness
Christ consciousness is being birthed anew in your realm of understanding. What is it to be truly at peace. This is your exploration for 2023. You will discover this through the facing of many internal battles and many honest interrogations with yourself. There will be a need for regular silence and internal inquiry.
There will be discomfort in admitting you have cherished goals and achievements that do nothing for your soul's evolution or heart-felt desires but have actually trapped you deeper in dissatisfaction and unmet longing. This will be difficult to witness and reconcile. That you must walk away from investments that are no longer truly worthy of your time and heart.
You will feel a sense of loss and grief as you move through these episodes of insight. But fear not, for on the other side shows promise of reconciliation with self and a new path presented that sings to your soul a melody of coming home and resting there for some time. This time will restore you and collect your energies for a tumultuous collective departure from the structures that are breaking and dissolving.
As you establish your peace from within, you are able to guide others more steadily through this turmoil. You will be a guiding light for those still tormented and bound to old ways. Honor your contribution to this most precious of human offerings. You are being asked to mature spiritually, and evolve away from the more superficial motivators that served their purpose to get you here, but cannot steer you to where you are going.
You have traveled and remembered many lifetimes of lessons in a condensed period. Now for the integration and re-discovery of yourself through the living embodiment of this wisdom arising and deepening within you. You will re-discover yourself anew in many cycles across many areas of your life and the constructs that contain you.
You will rupture many more outdated beliefs and untangle from the web of lies you've lived under for so long. Your discovery will be imbued with many emotional currents that you simply need to ride and allow to pass through you. Your investigation into their origins may uncover new insights and understandings of your personal story, but there are times to also let them sweep through without your analysis as this will intercept your process of releasing from the grips of your mind.
Much of what you need to process is simply energetic closure on patterns, behaviours and beliefs that have their roots in your DNA but are free to discharge much like a viral program. You do not need to then analyse the program and sift through its data to be free of it. For most, it will be better to focus your efforts on formulating the new program, than investigating what is now behind you.
You have cleaned many precious stones within you and cleared many pathways. Now to attend to the collected debris day-by-day. After a big overhaul or renovation, we can allow the dust to settle, and attend to the upkeep of this new and improved space. Similarly, you are being asked to attend to the new revitalised environment within you. Tend to it daily with your meditation, movement, communing with nature, art, kind and conscious relating, generous acts, and self-care.
Self-care refers to the care you offer all those you touch also, for the Self is no longer experienced as separate and independent from the whole. When you tend to your relationships you are tending to yourself. There will be a pressure and temptation to abandon these and push those you struggle with away. Understand that the work you are doing now on your intimate and familial relationships is very intricate, deep, and revolutionary. It is not an overnight renewal, but a day-by-day process of leaning deeper into love, acceptance, and your own deliberate softening.
Protect yourself as you do this work. It will be difficult, and your most challenging, but you are the pattern breaker in your lineage and you have signed up for this sacred service to your soul family. Weave in the energy of patience and call on assistance from Ascended Masters who appear in your path of navigation through these sometimes treacherous and ferocious waters.
Your practices of solitude will greatly assist in your efforts, persistently replenishing and rebalancing you for this emotionally grueling contribution. This is your training pool, priming you to become a powerful, mighty and graceful swimmer who can guide others by simply (but not without personal difficulty) modeling a new way of relating.
There will be less room for your ego's voice, as you sink deeper into the will of the Divine. Your ego fears this idea, yet your soul relishes in the possibility of being led and guided beyond your self-interested pursuits. Your ego fears "then I will not get what I want." The soul knows "this is all I want" - to live in harmony with myself and my environment.
It will require a softening of your personal burdens, and handing these over to be resolved in the light, so that you are freed to be of service to a higher goal - that of unity, within you (a union with God) and with your full experience of life in this realm.
It will require a bowing down to Gaia, a re-establishment of your relationship to her, a righting of wrongs committed in the past, or at the very least a renewed all-commanding respect for her beauty and majesty. You will turn to her in moments of overwhelm and overbearing mind chatter, to re-calibrate to her perfect natural rhythm and unpretentious wisdom.
She sees you fully and through any pretense you present. Give back to her also in these moments of respite, for she too is moving through growing pains - you are in this together, so to speak. Let your relationship with her humble you back to your true knowing and inherent care. Care for all that is pure, innocent, and truly meaningful.
Final Overriding Message:
Commit to your evolution more than your suffering.
Side Note: I felt this come through with lots of compassion for Self, with an acknowledgment that it is hard. That our suffering is difficult to surpass. So the message seemed to point to the awareness that the change does not need to be one full swing and we don’t need to put the pressure on ourselves to forcefully overcome our suffering. We can simply decide each day to dedicate more of our energy to our evolution (and healing) than we do to wallowing or sinking into our suffering. We’re tipping the scales to evolution.
Finally, you may wish to return to this reading monthly as new layers may land and resonate at different times. Set a reminder in your calendar or email yourself a message you can “snooze” to return to at a time you intuit.
Would love to hear from you on what resonates, feel free to share in the comments :)
Head here for more information on receiving a personal Akashic Records Reading.