2024 Forecast & Themes | Akashic Records Reading

These 2024 themes were channeled from the Akashic Records as a collective reading for the audience of Lightbody Being. Take what resonates and lands for you.


There is much to say, and words can limit us, and yet words are what we ask you to review in all your communications.

Words are the sword you wield daily as you speak your life into existence. Many are aware of the power of the words they write and speak, and yet, and yet, still continue to use words that do not serve you and your visions.

Your visions require faith, fortitude, and precision. Your words are powerful spells that create worlds. Inner worlds and outer worlds.

The words you have been using can undermine your actions.

Even when the actions support the visions, if the words spoken around them do not enliven, support, and foretell the vision, you sabotage your efforts and create dissonance.

It is time to be very careful about what you say and to whom you say it. It is time to be a word wizard. It is time to speak to what is ripe in your heart and what you wish to create, and not what you think is impossible and improbable.

Leave what's possible to the Divine. Speak through your heart. For we are listening. Great Spirit wishes to see you rise to your full expression and delivery of gifts. But it cannot work through you optimally if you deny it, block it, resist it.

It cannot channel forth freely if you doubt and diminish it. Let trust and humility permeate your heart. Do you think the Divine plants seeds within you it does not wish to see flourish?

Trust it is so, and trust it is You, who are the chosen bearer for this task, this mission, this vision you have.

Speak words that empower you. Speak words that uplift you. Speak words that deliver us from evil.

We do not state this lightly. We do not mean to say discomfort, fears, sadness, injustice, corruption, derision cannot be expressed.

For the truth of one's experience is important to voice. One can garner support, accomplices, and resources this way.

But the path is, speak into existence what is desired and not what is despised.

So honor your observations. But be mindful of your delivery. You will tell when you are speaking to release, and when you are speaking to complain in endless cycles.

Monitor your speech and notice the topics you perpetuate and give life to. Are these perceptions and stories doing you harm? How can you speak more joy, peace, and clarity into your life. We simply suggest that you try.

We feel your resistance to such a notion. To not complain is no easy feat. Especially when there is so much to complain about, you insist.

What can happen when you shift complaining and blaming to inspire and desire. What is there to lose in such an endeavour?

What one loses is indignation, entitlement, resentment, antagonism, and self-defeatism.

What one gains is momentum, direction, enjoyment, resilience, and commitment.

Review the words you write and speak.

Correct yourself when speaking foolish and faithless words out loud.

See where the words you communicate in writing do not serve the outcome you seek.

If you wish for clearer results, speak and write with clearer words.


The voice within is the voice you must listen to and master. The voice within can be wicked or wise. It depends how relate to it and how you relate to yourself.

When illusion persists inside you, the wicked voice is more powerful and persuasive.

When you know the Truth it cannot harm you.

You are being asked to review how you relate to this voice within. The first step is noticing the voice altogether.

The voice is not You, it is the voice.

The voice tells you what it thinks which keeps you from danger and vulnerability. But you are not so susceptible my dear, when you connect to the stillness within. Where thoughts cannot be corrupted or distorted.

Higher standards of inner accountability are being asked of you. Sometimes you feel that you are unfairly targeted, that you must do so much more to please the One, to find peace and prosperity than most.

Sometimes you feel that more is being asked of you. And you are correct. More is being asked of you, because you have the ability and wisdom to meet it. To scratch beneath the surface, to face off with fear, descend into the wilderness.

You are being asked to do what some others cannot yet do. This is not a burden, nor is it a sign of superiority - it is simply what you have now chosen and what your soul is prepared for.

The path is winding, amassed with trap doors and diversions. One must be on their toes. One must be careful. When one enters this realm they are being prepared for a new stage of spiritual maturity and discernment.

One must traverse through darkness to discover they are the light. They have the answers, and the compass within.

When one's compass is being influenced by outside magnetic but misaligned forces, one may need assistance and a helping hand.

This is offered if and when it is needed.


Divine Grace can fall upon you at any moment.

Or should we say, it can lift you up.

The assistance of the Divine is always available, and this year ahead you will learn what it means to ask and to listen and to lean on the Divine in your lived experience here.

Grace is the hand of God, which you may also call Love.

Grace greets us unexpectedly and we know when it has be offered.

Grace befalls you when you least expect it.

And yet we ask you to expect it.

We ask you to expect miracles.

A miracle is when "everything works out" precisely when it seems "nothing is working out" or it is "impossible". 

Notice when you label something impossible that is really possible.

Notice when feel the doubt, instead of feeding the desire.

Feeding the desire requires a steady outpouring of committed grounded action and energetic consideration.

One should act when one is inspired. One should rest when one is depleted.

When are you rushing instead of listening?

Speak to the One when you are tired and weary.

Ask for what you need.

The Great Mother never abandons her children.

She may test you and trial you, but she will never desert you.

Even in the harshest and sparsest of terrains, magnificent flowers bloom.


This year brings with it great shifts in your relationships.

For some this will be finding peace, acceptance, and appreciation after a history of turmoil and blame.

For others it will be a complete re-evaluation.

Would love to hear from you on what resonates, feel free to share in the comments :)


2025 Akashic Records | Themes & Guidance


Fear on the Spiritual Path